The supply chain is plagued with challenges

You have more problems than just finding capacity


High cost per transaction

Instead of throwing headcount at the problem, we took a technology-first approach to how we operate. We take that same approach to how we help our customers and our carriers create automation. Our focus is to look at ALL costs, not just transportation costs and find ways to generate automation. For example, we will source the most optimal warehouses, drive technology into your processes or leverage our own fleet to drive down costs.


Lack of transparency

Traditional 3PL’s and freight brokerages rely on people to do all of the work. If something goes wrong, you’re at the mercy of your rep. At Lighthouse, we give you the same tools we have to get full lifecycle transparency. It’s not just about where the freight is, it’s about giving you all of your data.


Siloed technology

All supply chain platforms and portals are the same. They are built for one company and it’s very expensive to connect to those platforms. We know you have other partners so we adopted Turvo- the ONLY network platform in the world. You can work with us or your other partners on one platform- and we’re ok with it. It’s about your experience, not ours.